About Tracy & Rebecca

We were married on June 12th, 2006 at the First Presbyterian Church in Chillicothe, Ohio


How I proposed…

Easter started early for me with sunrise service on the steps of the First Presbyterian Church it was a bit chilly. When we got back, Rebecca went into the bathroom and her mom (in the kitchen) was on the phone taking to her dad at work. I had been waiting for the right time to spring the question I actually had the ring with me the entire sunrise service. Rebecca’s parents got her an Easter basket and I got her an Easter bag (gift bag) with a few DVD’s she wanted. While everyone was busy I took the opportunity to set my plan in motion. easterI took the ring from my pocket and put it in a life saver filled plastic Easter egg from my basket and placed it in hers. I didn’t get any plastic Easter eggs for her Easter bag so I couldn’t just put one in there she would think I was up to something. So I took another plastic egg from my basket and placed into Rebecca’s. I didn’t pay any attention to which egg had the ring I was worried about pulling this off and not looking suspicious. Then Rebecca came into the living room and sat down next to me, I was milling through my basket. The first thing she looked at were the eggs, she grabbed one and opened it, full of life savers. This was pretty suspenseful for me because I didn’t remember which egg was which. She was on to me, putting some of my eggs into her bag, she seemed to hesitate opening the second egg, thought I was in trouble. Maybe the hesitation was just a half a second but it seemed quite awhile to me. She opened the second egg and it took her a second or two to recognize the ring. Already sitting on the floor I leaned toward her and asked her “Will you marry me?” and she said with almost instant tears “Yes”.

The evening before Easter, Rebecca and I went over to a family friend of hers and bought some jewelry. When we got back to the house her mom, Rebecca and I were sitting in the living room. Rebecca was balancing here check book when her mom asked her “So will you be getting anymore jewelry” and Rebecca looked right at me and said “I don’t know, am I?” I had to bite my lip, play it cool, little did they know tomorrow was the day.