July, 2014

June Fun 2014

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

Had great news for June, Brett and the boys moved back to Ohio.  Started the month with my birthday great time with dinner.  Made a trip north to visit with Grandma, Judy, and Ross.  During which Tracy helped his father go pick up the new toy (corvette) in his collection.  Then we celebrated our 10th anniversary starting with dinner, which included Isabel and Judy.  Judy stayed with us that evening so she could go to Virgina to help bring back the boys.  My mom had eye surgery and it went well.  Mom and Dad came up to watch Isabel so Tracy and I could spend some time alone to celebrate our anniversary.  Went to dinner and a movie on Friday then on Saturday we went to Amish Country to a festival in Roscoe Village.  We had a  great meal there.  Then happened upon a very nice car show in Sugar Creek.  We all made it to see the newest exhibit at the Columbus Zoo.  It was a great time as usual.  Then ended the month on the beach of South Carolina with Mom, Dad, Laura, Jacob, and Ye Rin.

God Bless,

Rebecca, Tracy, Isabel, and Soda

May Cakes 2014

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

May we all seem to be healthy and busy.  We celebrated Tracy’s birthday at the beginning of the month with cake, gifts, and birthday dinners.  Then we celebrated Mother’s Day with dinner and cake.  I worked another consignment sale and did well.  Brett and the boys made a trip back to Ohio so many people got to visit them while here for a short weekend trip.  I had to explain the reason boys (only boys) get to run around without shirts and paint themselves for sporting events.  We were out eating and a boy came in, and next thing I know Isabel is standing and pointing saying very loudly.  “Mommy look at the naked painted boy.”  She got the best answer I had, but still did not feel satisfied with it.  We celebrated the McCoy Spring birthdays so food and more cake.  Isabel was excited to help pick out a cake so for the two brothers and me we had a beautiful Disney Princess cake to share.  Tracy was able to get the full bath painted this month.  Amazing how a little paint can change a room.  Then Memorial Day we went to North Carolina to celebrate Jacob’s High School graduation.  A wonderful milestone for him and a great time to visit with my sister and family.  The final week we spent getting ready for our community yard sale.

God Bless,

Rebecca, Tracy, Isabel, and Soda