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May Cakes 2014

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

May we all seem to be healthy and busy.  We celebrated Tracy’s birthday at the beginning of the month with cake, gifts, and birthday dinners.  Then we celebrated Mother’s Day with dinner and cake.  I worked another consignment sale and did well.  Brett and the boys made a trip back to Ohio so many people got to visit them while here for a short weekend trip.  I had to explain the reason boys (only boys) get to run around without shirts and paint themselves for sporting events.  We were out eating and a boy came in, and next thing I know Isabel is standing and pointing saying very loudly.  “Mommy look at the naked painted boy.”  She got the best answer I had, but still did not feel satisfied with it.  We celebrated the McCoy Spring birthdays so food and more cake.  Isabel was excited to help pick out a cake so for the two brothers and me we had a beautiful Disney Princess cake to share.  Tracy was able to get the full bath painted this month.  Amazing how a little paint can change a room.  Then Memorial Day we went to North Carolina to celebrate Jacob’s High School graduation.  A wonderful milestone for him and a great time to visit with my sister and family.  The final week we spent getting ready for our community yard sale.

God Bless,

Rebecca, Tracy, Isabel, and Soda

April Showers 2014

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

Started the month out with Isabel having a stomach virus and we also went to the Circus, but did not stay long due to Isabel not feeling well.  That it was snowing/sleet then turned to rain.  Next weekend we had our Church Easter egg hunt at a local park.  It was a beautiful day compared to last weekend.  Then Isabel went to the Zoo with grandma and grandpa while I was able to get some work done on things I was selling in an upcoming Consignment sale.  The following week we went south for Easter in my home town and got to spend time with family and friends there.  It was another nice Spring weekend so spent some time in the park and played outside.  My parent’s neighbor have a little girl that was excited to have some girl time with Isabel.  She is the youngest of with three older brothers so not much time with little girls.  They played dolls, watched movies, and just had a nice time playing.  Tracy and I got to go out couple of nights to see some bands playing.  Pett Crow was a very good bad and some wonderful young talent.  You should check them out at http://pettcrow.com/.  Then the next week I spent working the Consignment sale every evening after work, which made for a long week.  Then Tracy went over to help his Dad and brother tear down the basement for Kate so it could get some bracing to secure the walls.  After they were finished Isabel and I went out and pick up supplies for lunch and a birthday cake to celebrate Ross’s birthday.  We had cold, snow/sleet, rain, and finally ended with nice Spring weather.  Now on to May for another busy month and hopefully more Spring weather to enjoy.

God Bless

Rebecca, Tracy, Isabel and Soda

March 2014

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

I started the month out with getting a concussion.  Which gave me a nice headache for the rest of the month, but after the CT scan nothing serious was there.  I also finished my therapy on my knee.  The doctor told me it was moving well and to still be careful.  Tracy and I had an evening out to see Phantom of the Opera.  It was a good performance and a nice evening out together.  Later we had purchased tickets for the Circus and were not able to stay long.  Isabel got sick and ended up being down for a week with the stomach virus that was going around.  We did enjoy some outside time when the weather permitted.  Now we are looking forward to a new month hopefully injury and illness free.

God Bless,

Rebecca, Tracy, Isabel, and Soda

Loving Hearts 2014

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

This was a quick and good month. I started therapy for my knee and throughout the month have gotten better movement. Isabel went to her first Disney on Ice performance and loved the entire show. She still talks about the dragon and wants to mimic the princesses singing. It is so amazing watching her grow and learn more each day. She even had her first official play date with another little girl down the street. Day care was closed one Monday so Tracy and Isabel made a trip to visit with Grandma, Great Grandma, and Grandpa for a day. They had lots of fun with their visit. This month we stayed in mostly still getting to play in a little snow. The weather is slowly showing signs of spring and we even got to play out at the park the last day of the month.

God Bless,

Rebecca, Tracy, Isabel, and Soda

Sick birthday

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

Started the New year taking Isabel ice skating for her birthday.  Then to the urgent care as she spiked a fever of 103 and was diagnosed with pink eye, ear infection, and pneumonia.  So we had to reschedule her party the following week.  Since we caught it all early everything cleared up well and quickly.  So for her 3rd birthday we celebrated at home just us since she was sick and then again the following week with the rest of the family.  She had her 3 year doctor visit and is growing well.  Then I tried something new and ended up X-ray, MRI, and Therapy with not having a torn meniscus rather a pulled ligament and fluid buildup under my knee.  Still working on getting mobility back and have to do 12 therapy sessions to work on it.  I was very excited to hear I did not need surgery, but then the doctor told me the pain will last a while possibly through Spring.  Ended the month by Isabel and I going to her first movie (Frozen).  She thought it was great going into a castle to watch a film.  As she tell us she is ready to go see another movie on the Big Screen.  Plus being her first time I did the experience right with drink, popcorn, and candy.  Over all we stayed pretty low and at home most of the month, but Isabel and Daddy did get out and enjoy the snow we have had throughout.

God Bless,
Rebecca, Tracy, Isabel, and Soda

Christmas 2013

Monday, January 6th, 2014

We had lots of fun this month and snow.  Every day brought a new excitement to Isabel as she thought of all the pretty gifts Santa was going to leave her.  The first weekend Tracy and I went to my work Christmas party at Dave’s and Busters.  It was a fun evening even though the road got a little slick with the fresh wet snow.  That same weekend we had the kids Christmas party for work and Isabel got to see Santa, decorate a cookie, face painting, and make an ornament.  Every day Isabel was getting more and more excited to celebrate Jesus birthday and for Santa to visit.  Then would come her birthday.  Her favorite place in the house was to set next to the Christmas tree in the living room and color or play.  Then every night she had to have her on to enjoy the lights in her room as well.  Any time she was asked what she wanted for Christmas she always had the same reply.  I want Santa to bring me presents wrapped in red and green paper.  The next weekend we spent three days at Ogleby to see the lights and have breakfast with Santa.  Isabel got to swim while I had a pedicure.  We also made it to the Zoo there as well this year.  The last day we had beautiful snow then ran into rain the rest of our drive home.  We were able to get together with Shana and the kids before Christmas.  They got Isabel a great gift of Snow Balls, everyday since we have had at least one snowball fight in the house.  They have been lots of fun.  I ended up getting bronchitis for Christmas, but we were able to spend a bit of time with the family especially with Brett and the boys coming to town to celebrate.  Tracy and his brothers got to do some board gaming before Brett headed back to VA.  Tracy and I went out for dinner and a movie for the last day of the year.  Isabel went out to dinner and made a bunch to noise with poppers and horns for the evening.

We had a wonderful year and look forward to enjoying the New Year.

God Bless,

Rebecca, Tracy, Isabel, and Soda


Saturday, November 30th, 2013

Started the month with Isabel dressed up as a Skunk for Trick or Treat.  She had a great time going around with Tommie next door.  Thecostumesweather was nice and once Trick or Treating was over the rain came.  Next weekend we had an appointment to get pictures of Isabel and us.  We were outside at a local park with the cold and wind, but Isabel did great and we have some wonderful pictures from it.  Isabel had her first friend’s birthday party to attend and she had a blast.  We took Tommie to the Creekside lighting ceremony and walked through the park to see all the lights.  Isabel went the Mom and Dad to the Zoo to see the lights and she got to see Santa as well.  This was the first year she would sit on his lap and tell him what she wanted for Christmas.  Now she is so excited to have Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We went to Abby’s birthday party and had a nice visit with the Perdews.  Another 6 year old in the family amazing how time flies.  We hosted Thanksgiving this year and had a nice time with the family as usual.  Good food and family to share in it all.  I also bought some more outside decorations because Isabel wants the house to look pretty for Santa and herself.  Made it to the parade of lights in Gahanna on Friday and Isabel loved it.  Tracy and I even got a little time together in while Mom and Dad watched Isabel.  Then as usual we spent the last day of the month baking cookies to be able to share throughout Christmas time.  It was our 8th annual cookie baking the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  Now on to celebrate Christmas.

House Guests

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

We had a lot of fun this month.  Weather was nice mostly for Fall.  We went to Chillicothe to visit with Mom and Dad after they came backbrody isabelfrom their trip.  Then the next week was celebrating Martin’s birthday up north this all the families.  Brett and Martin made it to our place late on Friday and the boys had a wonderful time running around before bedtime.  Hard to believe is turned 6 already.  We also made it to Boo at the Zoo with Isabel.  The next week I worked a consignment sale all week long after working my normal job.  Then we headed to Chillicothe for Dad’s birthday and made a trip over to local fruit farm for some apples.  I also was able to do a lot of canning and freezing of food this year.  I canned peppers, apple pie filling, froze pumpkin, butternut squash, and apple sauce.  Also Kate, Brody, and Joselyn moved out after their stay with us.  Brody moved with Brett and Martin in Virginia and Kate and Joselyn went back to their home here.  Then at the end of the month due to weather Trick or Treat was moved to November 2nd.

Moved in

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

We started the month out doing some cleaning in the house while Mom and Dad took Isabel to the Franklin Conservatory.  Then for the first week while we were off work we went to the Zoo, The Works, Slate Historical Farm, and playing in the park.  I got things ready for another consignment sale this month.  We finished cleaning the house up before our guests arrived.  Kate, Brody, and Joselyn moved in with us on the 17th for six weeks while they get things settled here in Ohio before going back to Virginia.  We sent Soda to stay with Mom and Dad while everyone moved in the first week and picked her up the following weekend.  We went to Chillicothe for a surprise retirement Party for Rev. Jim Grove after being part of the church and community for 41 years.  I ended the month going to a party for a friend.  It was a potluck (I made loaded tater Ta Tas) and it was a good time out before she went in for a surgery the following week.  We are all doing well and adjusting to the extra family at home.

God Bless,

Rebecca, Tracy, Isabel, and Soda

August 2013

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

We started the month by going to the Ohio State Fair and checking out the animals.  Isabel had a lot of fun with all the sights.  Then I went to a concert with Friends while Tracy and Isabel went north to see Grandma and Grandpa McCoy.  Then we went to the Ross county Fair for a couple of days to see the animals and Isabel got to ride a few rides as well.  The next weekend we went to the Zoo and seeing the Berenstain Bears.  We made an afternoon trip to visit Great Grandma while she was still in the hospital.  I worked a kids event in Columbus and was able to sell some of the things Isabel has outgrown.  We were able to enjoy seeing our niece Joselyn get baptized at their church before the move to Virginia.  Nice getting together with the family and Yoders on such a special event.  The last couple of weeks of the month Tracy spent every day helping his brother fix up his house before they moved to Richmond Virginia on the 30th.  On the 30th I made a trip to Cincinnati to visit my good friend.  We had a nice visit while we shopped at IKEA.  Spend the last day for a lunch up north and got to visit with Uncle Leon and Aunt Elaine as well.  Over all had a nice month and lots of fun outside and with family.

God Bless,

Rebecca, Tracy, Isabel, and Soda